On a mission to close
the financial
Female Invest was born as a reaction to the inability of women to find accessible and inclusive financial literature. But we acknowledge that the lack of financial equality is a symptom of a global problem and hard-wire injustices which impact women to varying degrees, depending on their background. And with that, our mission expanded…

For the ones who’ve been left out of the narrative. For the ones who’ve been told they can’t, or shouldn’t. For the ones who’ve wanted something more.
We’re the finance universe that’s shifting the tides of power,
finally putting the control in our hands and demanding (not asking) for our right to exist on equal terms. We’re the universe that’s welcoming anyone and everyone to trade knowledge, opportunity, and capital itself, all in the name of a new status quo.
We’re the universe for the ones who deserve to be heard. Female Invest. Join the movement.
Facts we're fighting.
years before we'll get to close the financial gender gap.
of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. That's 51 women, only 3 of which are black.
out of 195 countries in the world has achieved financial gender equality.
Women globally earn around 37% less than men in similar roles
men have more wealth than all women in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean combined
Facts we are fighting
The power of information and community is key to financial independence.
Financial learning is the root of empowerment. We’ve made it our mission to offer an unrivalled learning universe filled with tools and resources that transforms members’ lives into healthy and long-lasting futures. Because money is power. Money is choice. Money is freedom.
Community is the prerequisite to everything we do. Our existence is an act of resistance, which is reflected in the global movement we’ve built. We mobilise women, marginalised voices and allies alike to shift the financial tides of power. As one unified and empowered community.
Community love
"Female Invest makes you feel like there’s a place for you in this financial world."
- Nuna, 28

"Within 6 months of my Female Invest membership, I made my first investment."
- Michelle, 31

"It’s never too late to start investing. Once you know how to do it, it’s really simple."
- Jenny, 68

"Not only did I learn how to invest, but they simplified it to make it easy for beginners."
-Carriene, 41

"I’ve always been interested in investing but needed a nudge to get started."
- Nynne, 22
Test your knowledge about equality and the hard-wire injustices women face globally. Prepare to get crystal clear on why you taking control of your finances is key to closing the financial gender gap.