Editor's Note: The Seat is Yours to Claim

Female Invest's Editor introduces our May issue of the Female Editorial and what the upcoming theme of Claim Your Seat really means for us and our readers

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October 28, 2024
(Photo: Female Invest)
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As Female Invest and the community we represent continues to evolve, we’ve been faced with important questions surrounding women’s place in the world. We’ve had to rethink who we are and what we represent when we overhauled our entire brand back in March, what it means to be a woman during our International Women’s campaign. And as we continue to reflect on women’s place in the modern age and the community we represent, we increasingly witness women being denied their rightful seat at the table. Which is why over the course of May, we’re asking women to claim theirs.

Ceilings are being smashed

From business and entrepreneurship, to sports and politics, change-making women have been trailblazing through what were once considered male-dominated spheres. Prominent historical moments have crystallised the glass ceiling, but have proceeded to be shattered by courageous women in areas that have never been cracked. Like when the electrifying and most-watched women’s Euros in history marked the end of a 56-year fight just to finally get women over the line. Or like when Nancy Pelosi strode into the Capitol in a suffragist-white pantsuit in 2019 after being the only speaker in 70 years to have won the office twice. It’s moments like these that will stay imprinted on an entire generation of girls and young women and inspire them for the better. 

(Photo: Vorsen Furniture/Usplash)

But women continue to cap their success

But these are stand-out examples, and the reality is that women continue to put caps on their own success. Not because they’re less driven, but because the obstacles they’ve faced for centuries remain firmly intact. So by calling on women to claim their seat, what we’re really asking is for women to overcome their roadblocks and believe that their success is possible. The inspiration to take charge starts from getting closer to the issue.

So in getting closer to the problem, we believe it’s important to listen to women and learn from their experiences, which is why we’re shining a light on women who have made their mark. Because the truth is, there are tons of inspirational women forging successful careers in work environments dominated by men – from engineering and tech to retail and finance, and they deserve to be celebrated. Women are smashing glass ceilings in ways previous generations of women could have never imagined. So our 'Claim Your Seat' campaign is just as much a celebration, as it is an empowering collective reflection. 

Bringing inspiration to you

And we’re ready to share their inspirational stories with you. In our May issue of the The Female Editorial, you’ll find thought-provoking content that probes beneath the surface of what it means for women to be underrepresented in different facets of society, along with inspirational stories of women who have stumbled over, and teared down, the obstacles they’ve faced along the way. We’ll also be bringing content from experts on how to boost your confidence, overcome limiting beliefs and forge the life you want to lead.

"It's time to rise up and claim the opportunities that are rightfully yours."

And in true Female Invest style, we’ll come back to the overarching question we’re always asking: What role does money and financial freedom play in our ability to claim our seats? The truth is, it plays a pivotal role and we’ll learn why and how financial literacy and a strong sense of community will catapult you there. So as you browse through the magazine over the next month, prepare to feel inspired and ready to transform your mindset so that you can be in the driving seat of your own destiny.

Why is this important?

The gender confidence gap is real and many of us instinctively hate the idea of blowing our own trumpets. A 2003 study carried out by the Washington University found that men overestimate their abilities and performance, while women underestimate both. And it’s holding us back. We worry disproportionately about not being liked, outshining others, or promoting ourselves too much. Which is why in May, we call on women to go inwards. To realise the power within them to break down these internal barriers and unleash their full potential. It's time to rise up and claim the opportunities that are rightfully yours. And it’s time for you to claim your own seat. 

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